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Christina Voltaire

Case Type: Endangered
DOB: 01/01/1988
Missing Date: 01/08/2011
Age Now: 37
Missing City: Winter Haven
Missing State: FL
Case Number: WH110000449

Gender: Female
Race: Black
Complexion: Medium
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Medium
Eye Color: Brown
Glasses or Contacts: None

Location Last Seen: Ms. Voltaire, a Haitian born 22-year old nuclear medicine college student (at Kaiser University) disappeared from her Winter Haven apartment on January 8, 2011.

Circumstances of Disappearance: On January 8 around 7 p.m. Charles Pierre-Gilles -- Christina's close friend since high school and brother of her ex-boyfriend Dieuseul Pierre-Gilles -- says he dropped by her apartment to borrow her car after his own car broke down on the side of the road. The two are also neighbors. He says Christina was drinking tea and was dressed in a black robe. He quickly borrowed the keys to her car and drove it to meet his mechanic. When he returned about 45 minutes later, he says Voltaire was gone.

Last Seen Wearing: Unknown

Identifying Marks or Characteristics: Unknown

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